Circle of Grace

The Diocese of Madison takes very seriously its commitment to protecting children by every means available. This includes helping young people to better understand their intrinsic dignity and worth as children of God and to navigate some of the dangers our culture throws at them. To that end, age-appropriate resources are presented annually during the year to all children and youth in diocesan catechetical programs. 

We are asking that you and your child participate in such a lesson from the “Circle of Grace” program together. You will find that lessons Kindergarten through High School are attached for your use and ease of conversation. The lessons are age-appropriate and are designed to help children develop the vocabulary and boundary distinctions necessary to ensure their health and safety. 

We understand and support the role of parents as the primary educators of their children during these challenging years we’ve been living in. 

Our goal is to have all our registered Faith Formation children and parents complete this lesson with each of their children.  To do so helps us hold ourselves accountable as a Parish and a Diocese to the integrity of our efforts, as well as helping us improve our efforts where necessary.

Parents are encouraged to visit the diocesan website for links to additional valuable resources aimed at keeping your children safe.  See  If you have any questions about the “Circle of Grace,” please feel free to contact me or the diocesan Office of Safe Environment (