Get Involved
Faith Formation Volunteers
We are in need of many enthusiastic adults who love their Catholic faith and want to help share it with others in the Pastorate. There are many opportunities to serve our children, teens, and adults, in teaching, support, or hospitality roles. We could use high school volunteers for many of these opportunities to help our children grow in faith, too!
Faith Formation Volunteer Interest Form
Liturgical Ministries
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Extraordinary Ministers distribute the Body of Christ to the assembly at weekend Masses. Training and commissioning are offered.
The Lectors proclaims God's Word at weekend and/or weekday liturgies. Training and commissioning are offered each year.
Mass Servers
Servers must have completed their first semester of fourth grade are encouraged to become Mass Servers. Attendance at a training session is required.
Ushers help welcome, seat, and bring forth the financial offering. Members are welcome to join a team at anytime.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is a volunteer group dedicated to encouraging joyful and active participation in the Mass. Our musicians come from all walks of life and musical talents.
Home Ministry
Lay Ministers of the Eucharist take Holy Communion to homebound parishioners.
Our Parish Groups
There are many opportunities to grow together with other parishioners in fellowship, study, and service. Reach out to the contacts listed for the various groups to get involved.
Our congregation-based care team offers non-medical, in-home assistance to individuals including family caregivers. The team members offer an array of services including respite, friendly visits and phone calls, assistance with mail, reading and correspondence, shopping, errands and outings.
Training and ongoing support for team members are provided through Catholic Charities . All team members are screened through background checks, and thoroughly trained in topics and techniques such as: confidentiality, limits of care, handling an emergency, active listening skills, safe transfer techniques, infection control and the principles of the team process. The team members provide respectful, confidential compassionate care.
There is no charge to the individual or family for the support and assistance provided by the team. All contacts are confidential and services are offered to persons regardless of race, religious belief or economic status.
If you are interested in learning more about the St. John's/St. Mary's Care Team services, call Karen Miller (608-849-8260), Kathy Lauer (608-395-9219), Barb Meriggioli (608-850-6056) or the church office (608-849-5121).
Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mary of the Lake Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is part of a national council with goals of service to our parishes and community, growth in understanding and living our faith, and providing opportunities for friendship. It unites members with Catholic women in the diocese and nation. All women from the Pastorate are welcome. Bring the gift of you and join us as we sponsor or help with the following:
Welcome dinner for new parishioners
Meet and Greet weekends
Cross Catholic Outreach Boxes of Joy ministry giving hope to children in need
Spiritual opportunities through presentations, conventions, and programs
Social justice awareness programs
Baptismal gift for all newly baptized infants and adults
Service projects
For more information about our CCW and how you can be a part of it, contact Kim at kpiazza@saintmax.org.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization with more than 1.6 million worldwide members. The local council sponsors activities to promote our faith and to provide support to our church, schools and community. These activities range from weekly rosary, family roller skating parties, pancake breakfasts and many more. To learn more about the Waunakee/Westport Knights of Columbus please contact Jim Kluck at grandknight6371@gmail.com or Lodi / Dane KC’s contact Mike McGrath at mikemcmuskie@gmail.com.
Out pastorate Prayer Network has been established to assist those in needs through the power of prayer. Members of the prayer ministry are divided into prayer teams and contact one another when a prayer request is received. The use of names is optional. Members are always welcome. Call the parish office with your prayer requests or if you need a prayer shawl.
SVdP Conference offers help to those in our community through Home Visits to evaluate a family's need. Home Visits are made by 2 people from local Conference, most importantly the Home Visit is confidential. Referrals to St John/St Mary Conference are made through the local Joining Forces For Families office.
We encourage and promote the art of quilting. Each year we make a quilt to raffle off with the proceeds going to Saint John's School Endowment Fund. We are an ecumenical service-oriented club and make "Caring Quilts" for Elizabeth House and Waunakee Neighborhood Connection. For information about our quilt club, you can contact Doris Ast at 849-5482.
WHEN: 6 AM Thursdays
WHERE: Saint John the Baptist Church Narthex
The Thursday Morning Men’s Group welcomes all men of St. John the Baptist, St. Mary of the Lake and surrounding area. The group meets many Thursday mornings in the Narthex at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Waunakee, WI. 6:00 AM start time with breakfast & coffee being served. 6:10 the prayer to St. Joseph & master of ceremonies giving us a peek at the morning’s materials.
Reach out to learn more or get the schedule from the leadership team by emailing - stjb.thursday.men@gmail.com!
Women of all ages are invited to join as we study the Catholic Faith, and learn how to embrace our gift of femininity and our role as daughters of God. We use a video/workbook study program. We will grow in knowledge of our faith, deepen our prayer lives, meet a variety of women saints, and come to see the Blessed Virgin Mary as our example. Contact the parish office to join.
Waunakee Ecumenical Board
St. John the Baptist and St. Mary of the Lake were founding members of the Waunakee Ecumenical Board.
The Waunakee Ecumenical Board is an organized group who, through their projects, facilitate and encourage cooperation among the Waunakee Congregations to serve our community. Learn more about how you can get involved or donate to provide needed services and resources throughout our community.
Pastorate Volunteer Opportunities
St. John Festival
St John Festival takes place the second weekend of June. Many parish volunteers work before, during and after the event to make this largest fundraiser for the parish a community-builder and success. The festival committee is always looking for new members to join the committee and / or volunteer at the festival.
St. John School Auction
The Auction Committee is comprised of parish members who coordinate the themed silent/live auction held in December. The annual proceeds of over $50,000 support Saint John School and Saint John Endowment Fund. New members are welcome to join anytime.
St. Mary Bingo
St Mary of the Lake offers bingo once a month in February, March & April.
St. Mary Fruitcakes
Many volunteers are needed to help make fruitcakes. Fruitcakes are made in November.
St. Mary Country Fair
St Mary of the Lake Country Fair takes place in October with a roast beef dinner. Along with a bake sale, fruitcake sales & basket raffle.
Blessed Trinity School Gala
Help make one of the biggest Blessed Trinity school fundraisers a reality!
Blessed Trinity Fish Fries
Fish Fries happen at St Michael School every other week during the months of October - December & February - April.
Flower Ministry
Ensuring our sanctuary is beautifully and properly adorned for each liturgical season and special solemnities or feasts.
Blessed Trinity Funeral Dinners
Members of the parish serve a luncheon to families after a funeral Mass.
Blessed Trinity Swiss Steak & Ham Dinner / Fall Fest & Raffle
Blessed Trinity host a Fall Festival with Swiss Steak & Ham dinner in September.