Go Make Disciples

Our Evangelizing Mission

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20

Growing in Holiness

The relationship that began at baptism for every disciple is meant to grow throughout one’s entire life. The pursuit of holiness encompasses the whole Christian life, but Bishop Hying emphasizes these four holy habits as foundational building blocks:

  • Reclaim Sunday
    Make Sunday a day of sabbath rest, by dedicating your day, week, and life once again to God, most especially by centering your Sunday around attendance at Mass.

  • Daily Prayer
    Commit to at least 15 minutes of daily prayer, spent in conversation with God and listening for his voice and direction.

  • Regular Mortification
    Practice mortification regularly, starting with penance on Fridays, recalling that there is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle.

  • Frequent Confession
    Confess your sins in Reconciliation no less than once a year. Making this a more regular or monthly practice promises to be very fruitful.

Missionary Disciples

Having received the greatest gift of knowing Jesus Christ and being called into a life changing relationship with him, we are called to share this good news far and wide, beginning with our family, neighbors, and friends.

Resources and Further Study

A Common Vision for Evangelization, Bishop Hying

Boldly Proclaiming the Gospel, Bishop Hying

Starting Afresh from Christ, Pope St. John Paul II

Why Rest on Sundays?, Fr. Mike Schmitz

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri

Habits for Holiness, Fr. Mark Mary, CFR

Hallow App

Go Make Disciples
& Into the Deep

Go Make Disciples, our diocesan-wide evangelization initiative, is who we are and what we do as baptized followers of Jesus Christ. It is our participation in the perennial mission of the Church. Into the Deep, meanwhile, is our strategic planning effort to realign our resources so that we can better accomplish and live out this mission, both now and for generations to come. - Bishop Hying, Diocese of Madison