Register for Formation
We are so excited to learn and grow with you this year! Registration for Family of Faith and/or Sacramental preparation should be completed by Wednesday, September 11th.
Please save the date on your calendar to attend one of the following Parent Orientations, if you are registered for Family of Faith or First Reconciliation/Communion Preparation this year.
Sunday, September 15th, 11:30am - 1:00pm, St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Sunday, September 15th, 6:30 - 8:00pm, St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Wednesday, September 18th, 6:00 - 7:30pm, St. Patrick, Lodi
Every member of the Church is called into an alive relationship with Our Lord at Baptism. To nourish and maintain this relationship, every Catholic is called to embrace two pillars of their spiritual life:
Every Catholic is to participate in the Sacramental Life of the Church. At a minimum, this includes attending Mass each Sunday, receiving the Eucharist once a year, and going to Confession once a year.
Every Catholic is to continue growing closer to the Lord and the Church through ongoing formation. This includes praying daily, reading the Scriptures, and formally learning more about the faith. Information about the ways we offer and support ongoing formation for the children and teens in our parish is found below.
In anticipation of receiving the Sacraments, those preparing and their families are invited into more intense periods of preparation leading up to their reception.
Sacramental preparation builds upon, yet is distinct from and in addition to ongoing formation.
In particular for our children and teens, parents are called upon to partner with the parish in learning beside and educating their children while they prepare for the Sacraments.
In addition to the Sacramental life, ongoing formation, and Sacramental preparation, our parish offers many more opportunities to grow in faith and community with one another. These include bible studies, retreats, pilgrimages, and mission trips. Learn more about what is available or on the horizon for children, teens, families, and adults.
Learning and growing in our Catholic faith is a lifelong journey. In light of that, every child in Kindergarten through High School in the parish should be a part of ongoing formation.
Options for ongoing formation in the parish for children and teens include one or more of the following:
attending Family of Faith with one or both of their parents.
enrolling in a Catholic school, within or outside of our parish.
receiving religious instruction, as an integrated part of homeschooling.
for high schoolers: regularly attending HS discipleship formation.
In addition to ongoing formation, preparation for the Sacraments is provided within the parish. Our new Sacramental preparation plan deeply involves and partners with parents.
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
Children typically prepare for these sacraments in 2nd grade, as they reach the age of reason.
Children attending one of our parish schools will need to register and attend Sacramental preparation with one or both of their parents, outside of school time.
Families with children beyond 2nd grade who haven’t received these sacraments are highly encouraged to enroll in preparation, as well. The formation staff will be in touch regarding age specific accomodations.
As we unite as a new Pastorate community, preparation this fall is open for youth in grades 10 and 11, anticipating Confirmation in late winter 2025.
Registration for youth in grade 9 will open later this academic year.* Their preparation will take place beginning in May 2025, anticipating Confirmation in late fall 2025.
* In a sacramental preparation year, the child should be simultaneously receiving ongoing formation, as explained above. This includes those 9th graders who anticipate signing up for Confirmation preparation later this academic year.
As you think about what this new school year holds, we encourage you to make Sunday Mass a part of your family’s routine! Both Family of Faith and Sacramental preparation will be most fruitful when the family goes together to Mass each week, as they are meant to build upon one another.
Please note that registration for Family of Faith and Sacramental Preparation are separate from one another. We look forward to seeing you this fall as classes and formation begins!
Please save the date on your calendar to attend one of the following Parent Orientations, if you are registered for Family of Faith or First Reconciliation/Communion Preparation this year.
Sunday, September 15th, 11:30am - 1:00pm, St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Sunday, September 15th, 6:30 - 8:00pm, St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Wednesday, September 18th, 6:00 - 7:30pm, St. Patrick, Lodi
This online registration platform was implemented by the Diocese of Madison in all parishes this summer. If you need to restart your registration, return to this page and use the links above. If you need help, please reach out to our parish staff - we’re ready to support you!