Children’s Sacramental Prep

We are so excited that the time has come for your child to prepare to receive God’s mercy in the sacrament of Confession and Our Lord’s body, blood, soul and divinity in the sacrament of Holy Communion. Every time we receive these two sacraments, God gives us his very life. This special time of preparation to receive them for the first time will lay the foundation for a life long relationship with God, nourished by the sacraments. I look forward to working with you and your child!

Sheila Utter

Coordinator of Sacraments for Children

First Reconciliation and First Communion

Second Grade

The typical age for reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion is once a child has reached the age of reason (around 7 years old). Immediate preparation for the sacraments is typically received during 2nd grade.

Parent Participation

Both parents and the parish have important roles to play in the formation and education of their children. Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in St. Maximilian Kolbe Pastorate includes both in-person sessions with both children and parents in attendance and material to learn at home.

Parish Based

The preparation for sacraments will be in addition to what happens in Family of Faith and Catholic schools. All young people in the parish will prepare together in this same format.

Ongoing Formation

It is expected that children who are preparing for sacraments are simultaneously enrolled in Family of Faith, a Catholic school, and/or receive religious instruction, as an integrated part of homeschooling.

Family Resources

If you have children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion this year, please reference the linked documents below! Contact Sheila Utter if you have any questions.

Reconciliation and Holy Communion
Preparation Schedule

The Waunakee sessions will take place from 8:45 - 10:15am on Sunday mornings in the St. John the Baptist school cafeteria.

The Lodi sessions will take place from 6:00 - 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings in the St. Patrick church hall.

Reconciliation - Session 1

Sunday, October 13 - Waunakee
Wednesday, October 16 - Lodi

Reconciliation - Session 2

Sunday, November 10 - Waunakee
Wednesday, November 13 - Lodi

Reconciliation - Session 3

Sunday, December 8 - Waunakee
Wednesday, December 11 - Lodi

Eucharist - Session 1

Sunday, January 12 - Waunakee
Wednesday, January 15 - Lodi

Eucharist - Session 2

Sunday, February 23 - Waunakee
Wednesday, February 26 - Lodi

Eucharist - Session 3

Sunday, March 16 - Waunakee
Wednesday, March 19 - Lodi

First Communion - Waunakee: April 26 + 27

Rehearsal in Waunakee will be on the evening of Wednesday, April 23.

First Communion - Dane + Lodi: May 4

Rehearsal in Lodi will be on the evening of Wednesday, April 30.