
Confirmation Preparation

10th and 11th Graders

Youth beginning 10th or 11th grade in the fall of 2024 will begin preparation for Confirmation in September 2024, leading up to being confirmed before Lent in 2025. This preparation cycle is unique, as we bring our Pastorate family onto the same schedule. The dates for this cycle of preparation are in the schedule on this page.

Registration for 10th and 11th graders is currently open.

9th Graders

Youth beginning 9th grade in the fall of 2024 will begin Confirmation preparation classes in May 2025. Then, they can anticipate being confirmed in their 10th grade year, the fall of 2025.

In subsequent years, our Pastorate’s Confirmation preparation will continue to begin in the spring of the 9th grade year leading to Confirmation in fall of their 10th grade year, in accord with the guidelines laid out by the Diocese of Madison.

Immediate Preparation

Preparation for Confirmation will consist of 6 sessions focusing on the renewal of the baptismal promises and sacramental theology, offering candidates suitable instruction before receiving the sacrament.

Parent and Sponsor Participation

Both parents and the parish have important roles to play in the formation and education of their children. Preparation for the Confirmation in St. Maximilian Kolbe Pastorate consists of in-person sessions with both children and parents or sponsors in attendance.

Ongoing Formation

It is expected that youth who are preparing for sacraments are simultaneously enrolled in Family of Faith, regularly attending high school discipleship formation, and/or a Catholic school.

Confirmation Preparation Schedule

The Waunakee sessions will take place from 6:00 - 7:55pm on Sunday evenings in the St. John the Baptist school gym.

The Lodi sessions will take place from 6:00 - 8:00pm on Wednesday evenings in the St. Patrick church hall.

Session 1 - With Parents

Wednesday, September 25 - Lodi
Sunday, September 29 - Waunakee

Session 2 - With Parents

Wednesday, October 23 - Lodi
Sunday, October 27 - Waunakee

Session 3 - With Parents

Sunday, November 17 - Waunakee
Wednesday, November 20 - Lodi

Session 4 - With Sponsors

Sunday, January 12 - Waunakee
Wednesday, January 15 - Lodi

Session 5 - With Sponsors

Sunday, January 26 - Waunakee
Wednesday, January 29 - Lodi

Session 6 + Rehearsal - With Sponsors

Saturday, February 15th - St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Time: To Be Determined

Confirmation Mass with Bishop Hying

Saturday, February 22nd - St. John the Baptist, Waunakee