Week 2: November 10 - 16
This week should focus on starting to unpack the question and theme for the month: Do I need a savior?
This week, parents should read the essays on pages 244 - 248 of the Parent’s Guide.
The essay “Made in His Image, but Fallen from Grace” is going to be the focus of teaching your children in Week 3.
The essay “Called to Be His People: Promised a Savior” is going to be the focus of teaching your children in Week 4
Learn about the Holy Habit of Daily Prayer and consider how to practice it in your own life and help your children to do the same.
To teach their children, parents should:
Talk with the family about what they learned last week during the in person session.
Do I need a savior?
What does it mean to be made in God’s image and likeness?
When do we first hear in Scripture about our need for a savior?
How did God establish relationships with his people in the Old Testament?
It is a spiritual Work of Mercy to pray for the living and the dead. In November, we pray for the faithful departed in a special way.
Teach this prayer to your children:
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.Add that prayer to your Prayer Before Meals! You can are also encouraged to add in intentions and remember friends or family who have passed away.
With children grades 3rd and up, you could watch the video: Why do Catholics pray for the dead? Alternatively, you could watch it on your own as parents, so you can teach your children more about why we pray for the dead!
Teach their children the verse for memorization.
God created mankind in His image; in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. - Genesis 1:27Open your Bibles to read the verse together. Use this as an opportunity to help your children grow in familiarity with navigating the Bible and reading the Scriptures!
Define any words in the verse that your children do not understand.
You may find helpful page 44 in the Activity Book.
Practice reciting this verse at the same time every day this month - on the drive to school, at the dinner table, or while saying bedtime prayers!