Week 4: February 26 - March 1
This week should focus the theme: Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
This week, parents should review the following before teaching their children:
The essay on pages 257 - 258 of the Parent’s Guide.
If you are curious to hear more about the high point of the story of Salvation History from another teacher, we would highly recommend the video from Fr. John Riccardo linked at the bottom of this page.
Here are some tips and reminders before you get started:
You are welcome to teach any content from the month that you find engaging and interesting from the books!
While the following recommendations are broken up by grade level, we would encourage you to find the routine that fits best for your family.
There may be some overlap between the content for children in different age groups that could be shared together.
If you have multiple children, you may find some work you can get the younger children started on, leaving you able to engage in deeper conversation with the older children.
With all children, review the monthly verse for memorization. * We encourage you to do this daily!
He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said. - Matthew 28:6 3:16
With all children, we suggest the following:
Answer the question, “… so what?” that Bishop Hying posed at the end of his talk. If all of this is true, what difference does it make in your life? What difference does it make in your family’s life?
Review what we’ve been studying this year in Family of Faith - what we believe and profess in the Creed as Catholics!
Pose the same question Bishop Hying ended the adult session with.
Openly share at an age appropriate level for your children what your answer to that question is and an idea of how you hope to grow in your answer to that question.
Have them share their answers to that question.
Talk about some ways you hope to grow as you answer that question as a family. Ideas might include being more intentional about receiving the Sacraments, praying as a family, serving your neighbors in a new way, and sharing the faith as a family!
Activity 2: The Ascension - Parent’s Guide, 152 - 154
Activity 3: Last Days and Last Judgment - Parent’s Guide, 155 - 156
Review and define the words to know on page 149 of the Parent’s Guide.