Week 2: January 12 - 18

This week should focus on starting to unpack the question and theme for the month: How does God save us?

This week, parents should read the essays on pages 251 - 254 of the Parent’s Guide.

  • The essay “Jesus: the Way, the Truth, and the Life” is going to be the focus of teaching your children in Week 3.

  • The essay “Jesus Makes Us Children of God” is going to be the focus of teaching your children in Week 4

  • If you can make time, watch the video below from Fr. Mike Schmitz and Bishop Robert Barron on Unveiling the Power of the Sacraments. This conversation touches on a number of the themes from the month and how to encounter the Sacraments in a new way.

  • Similarly, Sr. Bethany Madonna’s SEEK talk on Who is Jesus Christ? is a great review of the first topic this month. (The 7th - 9th graders watched this at this month’s In Person sessions.)

To teach their children, parents should:

  • Talk with the family about what they learned last week during the in person session.

    • How does God save us?

    • What can we learn about how to live our lives from Jesus’ life on earth?

    • Why do we need to be saved?

    • How does God use the Sacrament of Baptism to effect our salvation?

  • Teach their children the verse for memorization.
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life. - John 3:16

    • Open your Bibles to read the verse together. Use this as an opportunity to help your children grow in familiarity with navigating the Bible and reading the Scriptures!

    • Define any words in the verse that your children do not understand.

    • Spend time with the full story in John 3 of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus; this story reveals many important truths about Baptism!

    • You may find helpful pages 84 + 94 - 96 in the Activity Book.

    • Practice reciting this verse at the same time every day this month - on the drive to school, at the dinner table, or while saying bedtime prayers!

Bonus: Adult Formation Videos