Week 2: February 9 - 15

This week should focus on starting to unpack the question and theme for the month: Why would Jesus die and come back to life?

This week, parents should read the essays on pages 255 - 258 of the Parent’s Guide.

  • The essay “He is Not Here, He is Risen” is going to be the culmination of teaching your children in Week 3.

  • The essay “Christ is Risen, Christ Will Come Again” is part of answering the question: “So what?” with your children in Week 4.

  • In addition to reading the essays, if you weren’t able to be at the In Person Session with Bishop Hying, you should watch (or listen to) his video we posted online.

To teach their children, parents should:

  • Talk with the family about what they learned last week during the in person session.

    • Why would Jesus die and come back to life?

    • It’s important for children to hear along the way what YOU as a parent are enjoying about learning more about your faith. Consider sharing with them which speakers so far this year have been the most inspiring and why!

    • Grade school children spent a lot of time on defining love and learning about love from the Bible. Ask them what they learned and make connections with what Bishop Hying shared for the adults.

  • Teach their children the verse for memorization.
    He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said. - Matthew 28:6

    • Open your Bibles to read the verse together. Use this as an opportunity to help your children grow in familiarity with navigating the Bible and reading the Scriptures!

    • In particular, talk about where this Bible verse fits in the bigger picture of Salvation History you have been learning about this year.

    • You may find helpful page 106 in the Activity Book.

    • Practice reciting this verse at the same time every day this month - on the drive to school, at the dinner table, or while saying bedtime prayers!