Week 3: December 22 - 28
- Incarnation -
Throughout the month, parents should refer back to the essay on pages 249 - 250 of the Parent’s Guide.
To give your family plenty of time to celebrate the mysteries that you are studying this month, the content is brief yet powerful!
Learn about the Holy Habit of Attending Sunday Mass and consider how to practice it in your own life and help your children to do the same.
If your family embraces the tradition of lighting candles around an Advent wreath, any lessons this month could be incorporated into that or done alongside of it.
Use those essays to help you talk with the family about what they learned last week during the in person session.
Why would God become man?
How did God keep His promise to humanity?
How can we prepare for and celebrate Jesus’ birth in a new way this December?
This week, focus on the Incarnation.
Above anything else, center your week around preparing for and attending Christmas Mass! Mass times in St. Maximilian Kolbe Pastorate are found below!
This week is centered around the Christmas story. Pray with the Christmas story together, as it is found in Luke 2:1 - 20.
We would recommend using Activity 4 on Pages 88 - 90 of the Parent’s Guide.
The crossword puzzle on Page 76 of the Activity Book may be appropriate for some elementary age students.