Marriage Mentor Couples

Thanks for being here!

We are happy that an engaged couple has reached out to you and asked that you accompany them on the journey to marriage in the Catholic Church. Before you start this journey, we want to share about the marriage preparation process in our parish and learn about you before you begin your mentor journey.

The Process

Primarily using Witness to Love materials, our marriage preparation process entails growing in faith, virtue, and an understanding of the Church’s vision for marriage over a 6 month time period. The idea is to help the engaged couples grow in their relationships with God, the Church, and the community, with the help of a married couple in the parish. Mentor couples do not need to lesson plan or figure out what to teach; we will supply you with all resources, books, and materials. The following list outlines the commitments that would come along with being a mentor couple.

  • Attend an onboarding session with the engaged couple. 30 Minutes - In Person or Online

  • Plan for six monthly engaged + mentor couple meetings. 1 - 1.5 Hours Each - In Person

  • Attend a Theology of Marriage Retreat with the engaged couple. 3 Hours - In Person at St. John the Baptist

  • Grow in friendship with your engaged couple and share your faith with them. This could include many things like attending Mass together, reading the same spiritual book and chatting about it at your couple meetings, planning a date night together, attending a parish event together, and more!

What makes a great mentor couple?

To be a great teacher it is of utmost importance to have a firm belief in what you’re teaching, especially when it comes to the Catholic faith and giving witness to what is taught. In light of that, here’s the list that we give our engaged couples when looking for a mentor couple.

  • Have been married at least 5 years.

  • Have been married in the Catholic Church by a priest or a deacon.

  • Be actively practicing their Catholic faith, including going to Mass every week.

  • Be a couple that the engaged couple looks up to and sees as worthy role models.

  • Be a couple that the engaged couple would look forward to spending time with.

In addition to that list, it is important that the mentor couple feels like they have the time to commit to this endeavor! There’s great flexibility in scheduling the monthly meetings according to your availability, but if this is a busy season of life, please take that into consideration.

Before we onboard you with an engaged couple, please fill the form below so we can learn about you and be proactive in answering any questions that come to mind.

Mentor Couple Onboarding Form